Highlander’s Oath
1777 - July 25. Duncan McNabb, Archibald Stewart, John Campbell, Daniel
Campbell, Norman Campbell, John McIntire, William Williamson, William
Eccles, Daniel McDougald, Duncan McDonald, Daniel McDonald, Duncan Henry, Alexander Cumming, William Henderson, William Thompson, and Garret White, being cited, appeared before this court and refused to take *Oath prescribed by Act of Assembly passed at Newbern, May 10th 1777, entitled an Act for the Security of the State.
Ordered that the said persons be commanded and directed to depart the State of North Carolina, either to Europe or the West Indies, within 60 days from this date.
*The Highlander’s Oath: I, do swear and as I shall answer to God at the great day of Judgment, I have not, nor shall have in my possession any gun, pistol or arm whatsoever, and never use tartan plaid or any other part of the Highland garb; and if I do so may I be cursed in my undertakings, family and property;
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